Monday, August 20, 2012

The Arrival By: Shaun Tan

Most comics and graphic novels usually would have words to help the reader understand the scene or situation in the panel; sometimes we as readers are so use to this that we forget to take the time to appreciate the artwork and style of the artist. In the novel The Arrival by Shaun Tan, he delivers the reader a new perspective and way of storytelling in comics, without the use of words or thought bubbles gives this book artist approach. Looking at the artwork in the novel it give a reminder of two different art styles, the penciling reminds me of Chris Van Allsburg and the styling of the characters and environments and character designs remind me of the concept art from the disney movie James and the Giant Peach, Both are two completely opposite styles but both seem to work well. I think out of all the art and direction the one thing that really holds this together is the story, looking through the prospective of immigration, coming to a new country and adding different plus strange characters makes the book more intriguing.