Thursday, November 29, 2012

European Comics

As a fan of comics I only knew about the mainstream comics like Marvel and D.C comics. It never crossed my mind that their were other comics from across the pond and that other countries had their own stories. I think it wasn't until I started college is when I actually started to research about euro comics. I think it's interesting on how some of the writing is so much different than the writing in american comics. I feel that british writing seems more elegant and has some much more depth in character development than in american comics.

I really got into the sci-fi comics for example 2000 A.D. magazine. My favorite would have to be the Judge Dredd series, probably because I saw the 2012 reboot and it somehow sparked my interest in reading the comics. It is interesting to see a character that does not have a secret identity and is one of the most feared judges in megacity one. What I like about the comics is how vast the world of Dredd is from being centered in one city to fighting robots, and facing the dark judges. The thing that makes the character dredd relevant is that he one of the only comic book character to age over the years.

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